Truth or fiction, the Bible or science

 The Bible clearly speaks of the creation of the world in its very first pages.

God created everything according to the book of Genesis.

Worldly science and philosophy present us with an infinite Universe, with many other planets, some possibly inhabited.
  But the Bible does not talk about that.
According to the Bible, there is nothing but the earth created by God. Above are the sky with the Moon, the Sun and the stars, water, the heavenly places and the Kingdom of God with the throne of God.
Certainly we cannot understand how God created the world, nor how He sustains it — these things are not given to us to know — all we need to know is what God has made known to us through His Word.

But we know that all creation confesses the glory of God - Psalm 19: 1
We also know that all Scripture is inspired by God - 2 Timothy 3:16, so it is true.
And very important! In Romans 4: 3 it is pointed out to us that only in God is the truth and all men are liars.

With this in mind, we should never try to combine Scriptural Truth with the theories of scientists - for their science is rubbish. Just as for the natural people (unborn again) the gospel is madness — 1 Corinthians 1: 18,23.

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